House of Representatives update. Currently the republicans have a 221-214 house advantage. There are 23 democratic seats and 25 republican seats at risk of switching or can be called competitive. All within the MOE of the polls in those districts. Most likely outcome is either major party can gain or lose from 0 to 8 seats.

Senate, democrats have a 51-49 advantage. The democrats have gotten their wish and will be rid of Joe Manchin. He’s retiring and he will be replaced by a MAGA republican leaving the senate in a 50-50 tie. Only one seat, Montana, D Tester is in the tossup column. All other currently held senate seats currently will remain with the party that now controls them. If the republicans win Montana, that will give them control of the senate 51-49. If the democrats retain Montana, that leaves the senate in a 50-50 tie which means whoever wins the presidency will control the senate.

Electoral vote wise, as of this AM Trump 235, Harris 226. 6 battleground/swing/tossup states. Arizona Trump by 1.5, Nevada Trump 3.7, Wisconsin Harris 0.8, Michigan Harris 2.4, Pennsylvania Trump 0.8, Georgia Trump 0.6.

Last edited by perotista; 08/13/24 04:55 PM.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.