I’m cautious as the numbers show everyone should be. Harris gained her six points going from 39% with Biden on 21 July to 45% by the end of July. 10 days of steady gains. However, Harris has been steady at 45% plus or minus a couple of tenths of a single percentage point since then, through all of August. She hasn’t gained any more converts, but she hasn’t lost any support either. Trump also has remained at his 44% plus or minus some tenths of a point since 21 July. He also hasn’t gained or lost support. Which means we still have around 10% of the electorate still up in the air as to who they’ll vote for. 3% in undecided column along with those intending to vote for third party candidates, 7%.

Harris’s gains have come from previous third-party voters, 12% on 21 July, 7% today along with what is now referred to as double haters in the Trump vs. Biden rematch. Those who disliked and didn’t want neither Trump nor Biden as the next president. They had made up around 30% of the electorate. With Harris in a Harris vs. Trump matchup, the double haters have drop to a bit over 20%. History shows that most of those 20% of double haters left won’t vote. Assuming that is the case knowing what assuming or assumptions can make of you, we’re down to that 10% of the electorate that will decide this presidential election. The 7% who intend to vote third party, the 3% who are undecided. They haven’t moved since 1 August. You have exactly the same percentage of this latter 10% on 1 August as you do today, this AM. Neither have Trump’s or Harris’s intended vote percentages moved either outside of some tenths of a single percentage point one way or the other.



Bottom line as I see it, we’re back to the 50-50 race as it was prior to Biden’s poor debate performance on 27 June which resulted in Trump taking a 4-point lead over Biden. I’ve said earlier, for the last couple to three months that 80% of the voters had their minds made up who’ll they would vote for, today I’m changing that to 90%.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.