Yes, Harris has taken a slight 0.2-point lead in Arizona, but in North Carolina Trump still has a 1.2 point lead and in Nevada Trump is still ahead by 1.3 points and is ahead in Georgia by a single point, 1.0. the leads are all within the MOE. Which means a basic tie in all 4 states. I like RCP or 538 as they average out all the recent polls thus eliminating any outliers or at least decreasing their impact. 538 has Harris leading in Arizona by 1.3 points, Trump by 0.4 in North Carolina, Trump by 1.2 in Nevada and 1.1 in Georgia. sites complement each other as in both all are within the MOE. There’s no doubt Harris is doing much better than Biden as Trump led in all 8 battleground states back on 21 July. His lead was by more than 5 points in 4 of them. It’s like I said, Harris is now on the offense whereas the democrats were on the defense with Biden. But I’m still cautious. There will be no crowing from me until Harris leads are outside of the MOE, perhaps by more than 5 points.