Upon further reflection, JFK Jr. withdrawal may be a non-event. His share of the vote has dropped from 9% back vs. Biden when there were many double haters. Those who disliked both and didn’t want neither Trump nor Biden as the next president. But with Harris, RFK Jr.’s percentage of the intended vote has dropped to 4%, with Harris picking up most of those who no longer support or want RFK Jr.

I think half of RFK Jr.’s voters will probably stay home as they fell into the dislike of both major party candidates or shift to West, Oliver, Stein if they do vote. Trump may benefit some, maybe a point, but no more. My initial reaction was knee jerk without much thought.

Here so you can compare Biden and Harris to Trump. How the third-party vote has dropped from 12% down to 6%, where Harris has rose from Biden’s 39% up to 46%, Trump from 44% to 45%, Harris erasing a 4.2-point Trump lead over Biden to a lead of 1.9 for Harris. Kennedy dropping from 9% down to 4%. Rounding off.



There’s much more, but my thinking now is RFK Jr.’s withdrawal will be closer to a non-event than a huge one.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.