All liberal fake media lies. Should I interpret that to mean what he has done is factually true and valid and it is ok with MAGA, or should I conclude Trump did not such thing. Consider the Zelenski shakedown. It was not a quid pro quo, but it was a fake media lie. Or, sex adjudication. Carroll obviously lied. Company fraud ... liberal persecution for something everyone does i.e. a non crime.
These folks reside in an alternate delusional universe or Trump is sent by God to save America and is therefore dishonestly persecuted by evil Satan led elitist liberals, or nothing the fake media prints is true.
I do not know a count of how many bigots exist today, but I surely am hopeful it is much lower than 45%.
The last stat I saw, which was a while ago, stated about 75% of the Republican base were racist/bigots. That would translate into about 33% of Republican base. I don't think the 45% represents the BASE (MAGA). MAGA is probably a smaller number ... I'm gonna speculate 33% is closer to the MAGA. So about 28%. However, in a non-scientific survey of my community (and this is based on actual contact) it would be 100% bigots.
Bigotry is real and still alive