Here the rest Rick, as of this AM. The two-candidate race. Regardless of the race, all are within the MOE which means a basic tie.

The National multi-candidate race.

The 7 battleground/tossup/swing states.

One can’t underestimate the importance of Harris replacing Biden. That changed everything about this election from what looked like an inevitable Biden defeat into what I would call Harris being a very slight favorite. It changed the battleground states from where Trump was leading Biden in all 7, 3 outside the MOE or by more than 5 points, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona into Harris leading in 4, one tie and Trump in 2. But always take the MOE into consideration.

What I’m watching now is independents or swing voters. Biden won this group back in 2020 54-41 over Trump when Biden won by 7 plus million votes. Biden trailed Trump among this group 37-30, 18% intending to vote third party against both Biden and Trump, 13% undecided back on 21 July the day he withdrew being replaced by Harris. Today, Harris has a slight 43-42 lead with but 5% intending to vote third party against both major party candidates, 9% undecided. Just keep in mind, Biden trailing Trump by 7 among this group was 20 points behind his 2020 showing. Harris leading by 1 is still 12 point behind Biden’s 2020 showing among this group of voters.

Harris has turned a Biden 5-point deficit to Trump on 21 July to a 2-point lead by 6 August which is where it stands today. No movement for either Harris or Trump since 6 August outside of a couple of tenths of a point up or down. Both candidates have stagnated. Trump had the momentum against Biden, Harris retook that momentum for the first two weeks after Biden’s withdrawal, today we have still waters, calm seas with no wind to inflate either major candidates sails. Neither side has any momentum, both seem stuck in the mud right where they were on 6 August and still are today.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.