I live in Washington State. There are ads that state that one candidate for state governor says that the candidate wants to reduce the payments to existing teachers, in tax supported schools is too much and must be reduced so that money can be spent in supporting private schools which, to this point sink or swim through their own money (I have not checked to see if this is true or not - everything in this comes from my mind with little validation) I have also noted that, apparently, in Florida, that tax supported schools are being forced to teach the Ten Commandments of Christianity. I expect there are similar things being done in other states but have no knowledge of them. it would also seem that these efforts are supported by the Republican Party.

Anyway, I am wondering. I have always thought that using taxes for anything that is religious, regardless of which, is against the constitution. Its been years since I have read it but thought I would get thoughts of others about this one. I, for one, am against ANY tax dollars going into ANY religious stuff. Its the way I was raised, and is one of my own, personal, beliefs. I am a product, incidentally, of a Roman Catholic schooling and, while no longer going to church still claim to be a Catholic for actually no real reason.

I know a few things about America and religion. The first thing that I know is that Christianity seems to be losing some. Not to other religions just kinda going away. In the town I live in there are, at least, 4 churches that are either empty or selling used clothing, etc. No new churches have been built in some time and none seem to be gaining over any that exist. I have checked with friends and they have noted the same in their own towns. I suspect its happening to virtually everywhere for all religions, ie. religion seems to be going away.

The second thing is that, in America, there are a LOT of religions of all kinds from all over the world. They come with immigrants, They are created by whoever, etc. We all, I think, are aware of this. I am also aware that we currently have something referred to as the White Christians who make up a large portion of our religious and who feel that they should be the lone religion for our nation. Just saying what I think I know, not picking any favorites. Oh, I have also been all over the world, visited any number of churches, temples, etc. and, over the years, spoken to many just to see what they have to say - just curious.........

I wrote this one because I am, personally, getting kinda sick of politics.


Last edited by jgw; 09/10/24 09:02 PM.