Don’t expect much if any movement in the polls because of the debate. Past debates have produced little to no movement. What I have observed is that those who tune into the debates have their minds already made up as to who they’ll vote for. They tune in to root their favorite candidate on, to root against the other candidate. They’re more for crowing than anything else. The undecided don’t tune them in. Yes, the pundits and political talk show hosts make a really big deal about them. But in the end, after they’re over, any gain or loss is by the tenths of a point.

Perhaps if one was held a week prior to election, it might be different. But then again, with early and mail in voting, half of those who vote would have already done so. There’s no doubt Harris won big time. But did that big-time win make a difference in who folks plan on voting for? Keep an eye on the polls for the next two weeks to see if any change in the polling numbers occur outside of the normal ups and downs of the campaign polling. Harris leads Trump by 1.1 point in the two-candidate race polling and by 1.9 in the nationwide multi-candidate polling. These are your base line or figures to gauge whether or not the debate had any effect. After two weeks the debate is old news and become irrelevant. Other issues, events, happenings take its place.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.