I thought I would find out if I am right or wrong about something I think is happening. Its really pretty simple. Currently we are in the midst of a presidential race. There are two candidates. On is Trump and one is Harris. Trump has been president one time. He is a male and a liar, a cheat, a convicted criminal, etc. Harris is a female who has, basically devoted her life to public service. Anyway, we just had a debate between the two. After the debate our media/TV did a lot of talking and asking (kinda) about the candidates. One thing, I think, is that part of the whole thing was incredibly biased. NOBODY, as far as I could see, seemed to note any of this. Not the people doing it, not the people watching it, not anybody taking part of it.

Harris, for instance, was continuously queried about her thoughts on, for instance, on oil stuff. There were a couple of other things as well but that is an example. She answered all questions as far as I could tell she answered them completely and continuously, over and over. The media discussed, over and over all the questions and thoughts, over and over. Then we come to the treatment of Mr Trump. The first thing is that nobody seemed to ask Mr Trump anything - they just listened to him, noted they had heard it all before and moved on back to Harris. If he was asked a question he NEVER answered it but usually just brought something else up. This dance continued, over and over.

Anyway, after all of the above the media then questioned voters that had not made up their mind. This is where my confusion begins. They would ask them if they had made up their minds. If they had not they would be asked why, often by repeating, in the case of Harris, about those things that she had answered, etc. Many said they just didn't know enough about what she said to make a choice. Many just said they were going to vote for Trump, rarely did they say why except that Trump was more their style. Not one time did anybody representing media ask why. Not once did anybody ask them why they wanted to vote for somebody who was a liar, a cheat and a convicted criminal, etc. to be president. Not one single time! This was a question I thought might be important and interesting. I suspect at least some of those listening might have wondered the same thing but, as far as I could tell OUR media (which in all fairness I should mention I hammer all the time) was simply not interested and didn't care.

Anyway, I just do not get it. Our so-called fair media ISN'T! (and they actually get away with it!) Pure and simple and unfair and NOBODY seems to give a damn. They invented Mr Trump. They are responsible for Mr Trump and they, apparently, love Mr Trump. They show this by making sure he is always on TV, They show it by not really asking any questions, etc. I am, personally, really sick and tired of this one and just wonder.

When Trump left office he was called by virtually every talking head and so-called expert the worst president the United States had ever had. These same talking heads now just let him be. They have forgotten, apparently. As far as the voters for Trump have completely forgotten his time in office as well. Sorry, I just do not understand! Its as if the last Trump presidency is pretty much ignored.


(for those who are offended - apologies.....)