Going back over these polls this AM, I’d like to add one thing, the MOE or Margin of Error the polls have. Nationally, the average MOE in the polls is plus or minus 2.5 points. Harris has a 2.6-point lead as of 0700hrs this AM. Applying the MOE simply means Harris could be leading by as much 5.1 points or as small a 0.1 point nationwide.


The battleground states have a MOE somewhere between plus or minus 3 to 5 points. Taking Pennsylvania, which I think is the key state in this election. Whoever wins Pennsylvania wins the election. The average MOE is plus or minus 3.5 points. Harris leads by 0.7 points which when applying the MOE, she could have a lead of 4.2 points or be behind by 2.8 points.


Anything within the MOE I always rate a basic tie. When looking at the battleground states, each has their own MOE. Arizona 3.6 plus or minus, Nevada 3.6, Wisconsin 3.5, Michigan 3.7, Pennsylvania 3.5, North Carolina 3.4, Georgia 3.5.


Since neither Trump nor Harris has a lead which falls outside the MOE, I rate all 7 of the battlegound states a tossup. As long as neither candidate has a lead of more than or outside the MOE, it’s a basic tie in my book. If one reads the fine print in all these polls, they’ll tell you the polls stand a 95% chance of being accurate within the plus or minus range of the MOE.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.