I started, and then lost, this. I am going to try again;
My problem:
This is my thought on Trump and the fact that he actually might win the election which scares the crap out of me and also makes, absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. It also makes me wonder about the health of the brains of a large portion of the American Voting Pulbic. Our TV media spent something like 17/18 years presenting Trump as a supreme business man, all man, smart, cagey, and entertaining (I think they created somebody who really didn't exist). As far as I can tell, from both the TV and speaking to some who are supporting Trump I believe that the supporters are quite aware of Trump, his failures, his crimes, etc. One would think, that if that was true they would NOT be supporting yet they are. When I started this quest I thought, perhaps, that all supporters where just ignorant. That is simply not true! The fact is that if something they think is bad is said they have excuses. Some are: "He is just kidding", "He is making a point and doesn't really mean it" , "You are missing his point!", "Its his way", You don't understand", etc. (in other words they have an excuse for virtually ANYTHING that might be bad or strange). I think the thing that bothers me the most is that Trump supporters have either forgotten just how screwed up his presidency was or they have actually removed all memory of that one. I remember, at the time, that there was something over 150 historians, for instance, that said that the Trump presidency was, flat out, the worst presidency the the history of the United states! So, in my thought that there must be the truth out there I offer (I am assuming that these are all true and real and what I do remember):
https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/historians-voted-trump-worst-president-ever/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Donald_Trumphttps://duckduckgo.com/?q=trump+was+a+bad+businessman&t=newext&atb=v453-2&ia=webhttps://people.com/donald-trump-every-criminal-charge-explained-7567024Anyway, when one considers all of the above it becomes pretty clear, something really bad and terrible has happened to the citizens of the United States and, for whatever, it simply makes no sense as far as I can tell. Are the Trump supporters, a substantial part of the American voting public Crazy? Sick? Ignorant? or am I one, or more, of the same? This is serious! I have been in this condition for most of the time because this one is a real problem with me. I am just wondering if anybody else has a problem or they have come to believing ......? If you have a solution I would REALLY like to know!!!!
It also makes one wonder. Is this why we have so much gun killing, and children gun killing? Out of control teen-agers, etc. Is this why so many states are making laws against what people have done for years, etc? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?