Rick, RCP is a good site to get nationally recognized polls, no push polls, but polling firms and organizations that has been doing polling for 40-50 years. Remember all these polls have a MOE on average of plus or minus 3 points.


538 is another good site who uses modeling, weighting the polls based on the current indicators and adjusting for past polling biases. But 538 also uses reputable national polls.


The history of both these sites is the final results have almost always been within the MOE. Some folks don’t believe in polls, I take them as being accurate once the MOE is taken into consideration. What are the polls telling us today, using your tie with a MOE of plus or minus 3 points, that indicates that either Trump or Harris may be ahead by 3 points, behind by 3 points or somewhere in-between. 538 has Harris up by 1.4 points, she could be leading by as much as 4.4 points or behind by 1.6. Always take the MOE into consideration. Not just the base number given.

As for flooding the polls, these two sites have been using the same polls, the same polling firms for decades. No push or flash polls. But take them for what they’re worth. A snapshot of where things stand today. Actually, where things stood a day or two prior to publication of the poll. It usually takes 3 days to do the polling, a day to compile, followed by releasing of the poll.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.