The polls are irrelevant this cycle.

Only two scenarios exist. First Trump wins outright. Second, Trump loses vote count.

Should the second be the case there will be a large litigation machine working the courts to overturn results, to get recounts and more recounts, to sue for fraud, irregular/illegal election board regulations, etc, and that is just the beginning. Certification of vote totals is not guaranteed. MAGA led boards will not certify lost counties. The Democrats will need to file suits to rectify. And still it does not clarify the situation. As long as Trump has the election results in court, he will be able to enlist an alternate slate of electors, legally, in wait of the Congressional certification count. Of course it could be with all these ultra -conservative courts Trump appointed, they may throw the votes out for Trump i.e. the SC has already revealed their intentions. At this time Trump could win. So if Trump still has not won the election through the courts, the denouement will take place at the Congressional certification. At that time objections will be entered, and presumably Spkr Johnson will guide the process in favor of Trump or will respond with chaos. If it becomes chaos, Spkr Johnson will appeal to the SC to tell Congress what to do and how to do it. SC will then direct Johnson to select the future president in a House vote. Republicans have a majority states represented .... ergo Trump will be president.

So why is anyone paying attention to polling? What everyone should be watching is the ongoing publicly visible theft of Democracy. Is there anyone at this point in time who will continue to argue it can't happen in America? I'm not sure there are enough people left in the Republican Party who have the integrity to put country above party, while Spkr Johnson initiates Trump's plan to overthrow the government in a Congressional coup.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!