Sorry but I don't think you understand MAGA and Trump. If God came down and declared VP Harris winner, Trump would say God is Satan and Trump is the winner .... and the MAGA crowds would go wild ... bow down and praise Trump the Savior. These folks are truly delusional, so yes they would question everything and the machinery to question every detail of the election has already started. If someone turned left instead of right .... yep code for Harris ballot stuffing ... someone waves their hands ... yep it's a signal to start the steal .... room temperature changes ... yep Chinese flipping votes ... traffic accident outside polling station ... yep a distraction to wheel in boxes of Harris ballots .... etc

and of course my fav ... the wind told me Dems were stealing an election

the infrastructure is in place but I still wonder ... some of these delusional folks believe Trump is still in charge of the military ... what if he calls on the military to round up Pres Biden, VP Harris, Walz, and Democrat leadership ... what would stop rogue elements of the military following those "orders"? Remember Flynn was at one time a general and I am sure he had a cadre of fellow travelers while in the army ... so there are rogue players on the field. Not only that but Flynn has even talked of civil war.

How far they will go? I just don't know nor can I fathom the possibilities. What I do "know" is Democracy will be dead for a long time if or when Trump succeeds.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!