I don’t know who’ll win tomorrow. The polls show this basically a tie. Here’s the latest, nationwide, Trump with an 0.2-point lead.
https://www.realclearpolling.com/po...mp-vs-harris-vs-kennedy-vs-stein-vs-westBattleground states, all close and all within the MOE, one can say all 7 are in a basic tie. Whoever wins Pennsylvania will become the next president. That’s my presidential prediction.
https://www.realclearpolling.com/elections/president/2024/battleground-statesThe senate, the republicans look to gain at least 2 seats, West Virginia and Montana. Maybe add Ohio where republican challenger Moreno has a slight 1-point lead over incumbent, democrat Brown. Pennsylvania is also close where incumbent democrat Casey has a small 1.8-point lead. Whoever wins Pennsylvania in the presidential will probably also win the senate seat here. There’s the possibility that independent Osborn may upset incumbent republican Fischer. I’d say the GOP regains control of the senate either 51-49 or 52-48. Here’s the senate map.
https://www.realclearpolling.com/maps/senate/2024/toss-upAnd here’s the House, a 100% pure tossup as to which party will control it. Each major party has 21 currently held seats in the competitive/at risk of switching columns. Of these 42 seats the democrats need to win 25 of them for 218-217 control. I think they’ll do it. Plus add another seat or two.
https://www.cookpolitical.com/ratings/house-race-ratingsand the generic congressional ballot