The nitty gritty, voter turnout decided this election. Voter turnout in 2020 160 million. Voter turnout so far this year, 141 million. As of this AM CNN has Trump at 50.8% of the vote, 72.6 million to Harris’s 47.5%. 67.9 million. That’s close to the same percentages Biden won by in 2020, only reversed. Biden won 51.3% to Trump’s 46.9% big difference is Trump is approaching his vote total from 2020, 74.2 million whereas Harris is way behind Biden’s 81.3 million. Some 13 plus million votes behind Biden although Trump may or may not reach his 2020 vote total this year needing just a bit less than 2 million more votes. How to explain the lower voter turnout, especially why Biden voters in 2020 stayed home in 2024 instead of voting for Harris? These stay at home, non-voters probably still disliked Trump, but couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Harris because they perceived the job Biden and his administration which included VP Harris had done over the last 4 years as unsatisfactory. They governed poorly in the eyes of most Americans, 56% of all Americans disapproved of how Biden and company governed. 63% think the Biden administration has this country headed in the wrong direction, on the wrong track. were unhappy with their own personal situation and living standard. The way things are going in this country today, dissatisfied. So, whether than voting for Trump due to their dislike of him, they didn’t vote at all. In short, Trump retained his voters from 2020, Harris didn’t retain Biden voters. Voter turnout was the key.
Along with, for the first time since the great depression and the realignment of party affiliation, more republicans voted this year than democrats, 35-31, Compared to 2020 when 37% of those who voted were democrats vs. 35% republican. 2016 36% democratic, 33% republican and on back.