So on ethnic lines Trump increased his vote share? Well I’ll be. Kinda hard to stick him with the racist win mebbe? That voters have concerns that go beyond identity and are trying their luck elsewhere?
So lower income moved into the Republican column and away from the Dems? Shocker. Affluent upper incomes into Dem Corp? I’m gobsmacked.
So Michigan left the blue column and into the red? Sheesh, what’s been going on to make that happen.. again.
So Dem Corp eliminated a primary competition and chose who Dem voters would get to vote for in a much more visible way this cycle and the reliables didn’t turn up as before? Shocking. She did so well on Martha’s Vineyard… there was a process!
So registered disaffected Republicans didn’t move to the blue column? Better luck next time. Mebbe find a more repugnant Republican war criminal to bring to the dance than the Cheney’s. Mebbe move more to the right and they’ll start to notice how you’ve developed over the summer.
So Jill Stien won 2nd in Dearborn? Trump placed 1st? Who’d a thunk it? Ethnically cleansing voters families is unpopular I suppose. Maybe the Cheney’s could have done better outreach here.
So the Yutes moved in the Trump direction after having their concerns scorned and belittled? Ungrateful!

All this to say it’s hard to beat something with nothing and a whole ton of cash. What was the burn rate of Dem Corp compared to Trumps?

But yes… it’s the voters fault. Why not throw in some foriegn interference while your at it. The wrong kind. Not the good kind. Seems ethno fascists are the good kind usually. Left wing socialist? Not so much.

The ballot initiatives are also interesting. Especially the ones passed in red states… kinda cuts against excuse narratives…

Last edited by chunkstyle; 11/10/24 01:09 PM.