The democrats had a huge cash advantage and has had that cash advantage ever since 2008 when Obama outraised and spent McCain 745 million to 368 million. Obama cash advantage over Romney 814 million to 628 million. 2016 Clinton 1.1 billion to Trump’s 646.8 million, 2020 Biden 1.6 billion, Trump 1.1 billion, 2024 Harris 1.65 billion, Trump 1.1 billion

Outside of voter turnout, I’d say Harris’s campaign of I’m not Trump didn’t work. It worked for Biden in 2020, but that was because elections are a referendum on the sitting president’s job performance. This year’s election was a referendum on the Biden administration. Harris couldn’t overcome the 56% of all Americans who disapproved of the job Biden and his administration had done. Even with Trump as Harris’s opponent. I thought she could and would. I was mistaken.

No sitting president has won reelection nor the sitting president’s replacement won the next election with an overall job approval of below 50% These elections was when a sitting president job approval was below 50%. None of them won, not Stevenson, Truman’s replacement in 1950, not Humphrey, LBJ’s replacement in 1968, Ford lost reelection in 1976, Carter lost reelection in 1980, G.H.W. Bush lost reelection in 1992, McCain G.W. Bush’s replace lost in 2008, Trump lost in 2020 and now Harris, Biden’s replacement lost in 2024.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.