As far as I can tell NOBODY has the slightest idea of what America wants. I have been watching the TV, and listening to voters, etc. and THEY have no idea what they want. All they knew was pretty simple. One side was for huge change and the other was for kindofa fairie tale change. The voted for the huge change. Now we will go through another Trump time. The difference is that, this time, they are ready to take charge and I, for one, wonder if I will ever even have the chance to have another vote. Its gonna be VERY interesting! Take those who voted trump because the democrats supported the evil Jewish state. Now they are find that they voted for a group that are now saying, and agreeing with Netanyaho, that EVERYTHING belongs to the Jewish state! Interesting stuff to be sure.
I nothing else, the next 4 years is going to be seriously educational. I guess we all deserve it? I guess my real question is whether we all survive.
Forgot - My thoughts on the Democratic party and my constant whining about them were not that far off. It will be interesting to see if they change even a little bit. I should also probably mention that my questionable faith in the wisdom of the American Voters has not let me down.
Last edited by jgw; 11/17/24 08:39 PM.