You guys are far too optimistic.
Sen Rubio is the only nominee who can even be remotely considered as qualified for the job.
Huckabee will only exacerbate the ME situation ... perhaps even encouraging Netanyahu to expand the attacks.
Rep Stefanic will side with the Russians and perhaps the Chinese against NATO allies and SEATO allies.
Fox "News" host Hegseth will absolutely dismantle the military and turn it on Americans
Rep Gabbard will promote Russian propaganda against US citizens and NATO allies in Trump's quest to sell America to the highest bidder.
Kennedy will cripple government efforts to keep America safe from disease ... the enemy within ... within the next administration.
OZ will sell out Medicare and Medicaid to MAGA billionaires for their personal profit at the expense of one of America's safety nets.
Rep Gaetz will gut DoJ of anyone who actually believes in the rule of law
What is the motif? Complete deconstruction of the federal government and the sacred Constitutional mandate to provide security and services for it's citizenry. Two years???? Really. The federal government will be completely crippled within 2 years and MAGA will be ecstatic. The courts will be filled with political MAGA hacks ... and you think an election in 2 years will roll that back? Does anyone think the SC would issue an opinion running contrary to the Trump agenda? If they came to their Constitutional senses and struck down any agenda item, who would enforce the ruling?
Someone may argue some of these folks will not get through the Senate. Well it doesn't matter. They are just cutouts ... easily replaced by someone with the same extreme agenda who will be confirmed or be acting or recess appointed. It has begun. The Constitution is being destroyed and I see little that can return it to it's former state. Some may argue there will be an election in 2 years .... what makes anyone believe there will be one? It couldn't happen in America? Really!!!! We have a sexual predator, convicted felon, and insurrectionist elected as president. It has already happened.
Trump may proclaim he is president for life and who will stop him? There is no one who can stop him from issuing such a fiat.
I see a dystopian future as a 3rd world country ... easy prey to the strong man countries willing to take advantage.