Interesting. I find it pretty interesting that nobody has, so far, mentioned the White Christians. You know, they are the ones who are flat out against women taking care of themselves and just do what your husband says. It also gets better. A Trumph Christian bible in EVERY school. They are also the power behind getting rid of ALL public education and no more money for local libraries. There is a LOT more but I suspect you get it. Oh, they also want a single christian church (theirs) by law. We are also told that this is the largest, best organized, Christian group in the United States.
Trump is well aware of these folks, and their power. They have been at it for 60 years and have stuck to their plan. Trump has consistently supported their efforts and continues to this day.
Just thought I might mention this one - its a dandy!
Last edited by jgw; 11/21/24 07:55 PM.