Is that what the voters wanted? I’m sure a lot of the MAGA vote, that is true. But MAGA probably makes up but a quarter of the electorate. Where did the other 25% of those who voted for Trump come from to make up his 50% of the vote he received? Republicans only make up 29% of the electorate according to Gallup. MAGA probably makes up 65% or call them avid Trump supporters within the GOP going by those who view Trump very favorably.

Where did the other half of Trump voters come from? The non-MAGA, the non-Republicans, even from some who dislike Trump. I would suggest from those who viewed the Biden administration had done a poor job of governing, 56% of all Americans disapproved of the overall job Biden and his administration had done over the last 4 years. As VP, this included Harris. 63% of all Americans disapproved on how Biden handled inflation, 63% disapproved on his handling of immigration and so on. Throw in that most Americans thought Biden and company had this country headed in the wrong direction, off on the wrong track, 62%

Those views are a lot to overcome. I don’t think most of this half of Trump voters were voting for him, for theocracy, autocracy or whatever. I would say they were voting against Biden, Harris and the democratic party who has been in power over the last 4 years. Not for Trump, but against Harris, Biden and the democrats for what they viewed as poor governing. Trump just happened to be Harris’s opponent, the beneficiary of this overall dissatisfactory view of most Americans.

I don’t think this quarter of the electorate who voted for Trump, who aren’t MAGA, Trump Supporters, who aren’t even republicans realize who they voted for in their rejection of Harris, Biden. They just wanted someone else in charge who hadn’t been in charge these last 4 years. I repeat, I would say this quarter of the electorate weren’t for Trump, they were against Harris, Biden, the democrats, the party in power, in charge. Any candidate would have done for them and would have received their vote as long as that candidate wasn’t from the party in power which they deem hasn’t solved the problems most important to them.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.