Delusional? To what extent? I agree, prices will never go back down no matter who’s president or what party is in charge. Trump will be out for revenge, not doubt about that either. He’s one vengeful man. My attempt was to explain or give my thoughts on why around half of the voters who voted for Trump, voted for him. They weren’t voting for Trump per se. They were voting against an administration who they thought did a bad job of governing along with holding them accountable for the way they governed, handled certain issues.

I’d say little thought was given to how Trump would govern or what he’d do among this quarter of the electorate who weren’t MAGA. They saw paying 3.50 for a loaf of bread of 6 dollars for a dozen eggs a good enough reason to vote against Harris, they voted against the current administration’s handling of the economy, inflation, immigration, etc. Not necessarily for Trump, but against. They rejected the party in power just like they rejected Trump in 2020 and the republicans. I doubt they paid any attention to Biden or how he might govern in 2020 either. They were too focused on rejecting Trump. Which could bring us back to an informed electorate, which we don’t have.

The biggest irony is that 57% of all Americans thought Trump wasn’t honest and trustworthy. Yet a good number out of that 57% voted for him anyway as they thought he’d be much better at handling the economy and inflation than Harris by a 55-44 margin. But that in a way shouldn’t surprise anyone as the economy has been the number issue in most presidential election. 2004 was an exception when the Iraq war took over the number one place.

I'd say around half of all those who vote don't give voting much thought. It's more of a knee jerk reaction to what they either like or don't like come election day.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.