I’m not an economist or a financial guru. But I have always believed the economy is like the weather, its going to do whatever it wants to do. That presidents and governments can play around the edges of the economy, but the economy is in control of its own trajectory. Much like man can play around the edges of the weather, example like cloud seeding. But I think that is it. If presidents, government could control the economy, we’d have all good times, all ups and no downs or bad times.
The problem which I don’t blame the masses is previous presidents have all taken credit for a good economy, they shout from the mountain tops that it was their policies that achieve a good economy. When the economy goes south, turns sour the party out of power, the challenger always blames those in power ala like blaming Biden. This has become ingrained, embedded into the publics conscious. This is a political reality. People always either blame or give credit to the one in charge whether or not the one in charge was responsible or had nothing to do with what they’re being blamed for or credited for. That too is political reality.
Maybe if Biden had a more outgoing or forceful personality, he could have gotten what was being done to address inflation, immigration, etc. Like FDR with his fireside chats during the depression, Reagan with his TV appearances or even Bill Clinton use of the media. But Biden like to basically stay hid. To stay out of the limelight. I don’t think Biden was able to communicate or connect with the people, to make them understand what is going on and what is being done. At least not in the style and effectiveness of an Obama, Bill Clinton, Reagan or FDR.