It sounds to me like Trump is committing extortion! Why isn't anyone doing something? Do we have no more people left that are not scared of a pathetic little man?!?? We are in for a world of hurt for the next few generations! This is going to be multi-generational I think.

Can one blame these folks for voting their pocketbooks without any other thoughts as to who and what they were voting for?


I too mostly vote against a candidate, not for the other. I, however, also look at the whole candidate. There are elections that I didn't go vote because I couldn't vote for either candidate. There are times I voted for 3rd party. Those are the times I voted for a candidate instead of against one.

Most of my life times were tough. I didn't shirk my responsibility on knowing something about who i am voting for!

If Trump were my only option, I would not have voted because I payed some attention to his rhetoric.

Even if I only voted for one reason, I still looked at the whole candidate.

So yes. I will hold them accountable when we lose our democracy. I will thank the people I know that voted for him for getting us in this mess every time!

Good doesn't always win!