Originally Posted by Kaine
I just don't get it.

Everything I am seeing today, indicates that almost all of the GOP/MAGA politicians, want to end our democracy. Why?

I have heard nothing from those GOP/MAGA elected about how they are going to bring down the price of eggs or gas. I am only hearing about how they want to tear down our democracy from every angle!

Is it just the politicians, or is it true that almost 50% of voters want to end our democracy? It makes no sense to me at all. The end of our democracy will cause them the same pains it will cause non-GOP/MAGA folks! Once it is gone, those that rule our country will not care who they hurt to get what they want - MAGA or not!

I just don't get it at all!!

Does anyone have any ideas on this? It would be nice to hear from a GOP/MAGA follower to see what their answer is!

People who voted for Trump feel they have been left behind. They feel that minorities and immigrants have had a leg-up that they weren't afforded. What these people are looking at is skin color or some other attribute. These people don't realize that those who made the rules are white like them - and usually are men. But the white like them rule makers have all of the money and make decisions for everyone else. Why do you think white South African Elon Musk is enjoying his very first political ride?

Contrarian, extraordinaire