Hmm, if he doesn’t cure those main problems, he’ll lose support among the non-MAGA and drop back down to the level of support Trump had during his first term. Lies or not, a lot of those folks will be looking at their wallet. No matter how many lies, they all become irrelevant to a thinning wallet. If Trump doesn’t solve the inflation, rising prices, border problem, the democrats will have a banner year come 2026. The democrats gained 38 house seats in the 2018 election; they could very well repeat that performance if Trump doesn’t take care of those issues that he was elected to take care of.
The democrats failed to see or understand how dissatisfied most folks were with the Biden administration. Harris, the democrats thought they would win the election because she wasn’t Trump. They didn’t consider that most Americans looked on the Biden administration as either governing very poorly or as a failure to cure the problems the masses thought most important to them. Yet, by running Trump, the republicans gave the democrats, Harris a very good chance of winning whereas some other republican probably would have won in a landslide. Most Americans still dislike Trump, only this time around they disliked the job performance of Biden and company more than they disliked Trump. Look for Trump to lose a lot of support from those who voted against Biden and the democrats, but not for Trump. Who opposed Harris and the democrats last year didn’t matter much to them. When a sitting president’s overall job approval is at 40%, his disapproval at 57%, when Biden and company’s handling of most issues are disapproved at somewhere between 55-65% of all Americans, it’s a wonder, simply amazing Harris came as close as she did. The democrats ended up gaining 2 house seats while the GOP gained but 4 senate seats. As sitting presidents, Carter and Biden had roughly the same approval/disapproval among all Americans. But in 1980, Reagan won by 10 points, not 1.5. The republicans gained 35 house seats, not losing 2 and gained 12 senate seats, not 4.
Trump will lose support; he’ll lose the support of a large portion of the non-MAGA voters who voted for him. You can write this down in stone. Just like in 2018, republicans were defending Trump and what they did over those first two years of Trump when the GOP lost 35 house seats. In 2026 the republicans will once again be defending Trump and what they had done over the next two years. Wait, watch and see.