VP once a sitting president finished his time in office don’t have a winning record when running to replace a president of his own party. A 20% winning record
1960 Nixon lost to JFK
1968 Humphrey lost to Nixon
1988 G.H.W Bush beat Dukakis*
2000 Gore lost to G.W. Bush
2024 Harris lost to Trump
Probably because Americans want a change. In fact, only one candidate, G.H.W. Bush from the party of the sitting president won the election to replace that sitting president of their own party. The list not counting presidents who lost reelection, just their replacements.
1952 Truman’s replacement Stevenson lost to Eisenhower
1960 Eisenhower’s replacement Nixon lost to JFK
1968 LBJ’s replacement Humphrey lost to Nixon
1988 Reagan’s replacement G.H.W. Bush beat Dukakis*
2000 Bill Clinton’s replacement Gore lost G.W. Bush
2008 G.W. Bush’s replacement McCain lost Obama
2016 Obama’s replacement Hillary Clinton lost to Trump
2024 Biden’s replacement Harris lost to Trump
Replacement winning percentage 12.5%. If it weren’t for G.H.W. Bush winning in 1988, both VP’s and a sitting president’s replacement would be a O’fer. It also seems that a high or a low favorable or a high or low job performance has nothing to do with either the VP winning or a sitting presidents replacement winning. Eisenhower, Bill Clinton, Obama were all very popular presidents, yet their replacement lost. Truman, LBJ, G.W. Bush, Biden were all unpopular presidents which their replacement lost.