MAGA makes up approximately 25% of the electorate, they’re not going to change their votes
Trump is governing only for the MAGA portion of the country
Again correct
he’s tackling the illegal immigration problem
Yes in a way Pres Biden did not do. He is advertising how many people he is deporting .... Pres Biden did not do that in spite of the fact he also deported people. The only EO which made a real difference is, he stopped legal immigration, and that is something Pres Biden did not do.
Inflation was the top issue, rising prices
Yep ... and it doesn't matter if the rate of inflation slows down to acceptable levels. The effect of prices increases from inflation are and will continue to be felt, until the market adjusts to increased supplies and outstripping demands. There remains the question of how will producers feel the effect? If increased production means lower wholesale prices, don't expect the producers to continue losing money to appease Trump. I don't know where inflation is heading but I don't expect it to be lower than FED expectations and certainly not lower than voter expectations.
Trump is a vindictive man with revenge in his heart
Not sure that has any meaning for the average voter. They're not affected and otherwise it is an abstraction dealt with by those who think of the political and philosophical ramifications.
They have begun the deconstruction of the administrative state and apparently weaponization of government has become de facto reality. At this moment I do not believe Democracy will survive.