Exactly rporter. A lot of the non-MAGA, non-Trumpers voted for him simply because they felt they were better off 4 years ago than today. Which is not surprising since this group of voters always go to the challenger. While republicans and democrats vote the letter behind the name regardless of who the candidates are, those non-affiliated tend to vote their personal situation. Better off today, they’ll vote for the incumbents or party in power, worst off than 4 years ago, they’ll vote for the challenger or party out of power. Not much thought is given to anything else if any. 22% of those who voted based their vote on being worst off today than they were 4 years ago, Trump won those voters 76-23 over Harris.
What so many people don’t realize, to many Americans presidential elections are strictly a referendum on the sitting president. If they feel their personal situation is better off, they’ll vote for the sitting president or his party, if worse off, for the challenger or the party out of power.