Originally Posted by perotista
I think the democrats feel, think by letting Trump be Trump that will eventually turn the masses against him. Harris made that mistake during her campaign, she thought not being Trump was enough to win the election. She was proved wrong. Outside of shouting as you put it, the democrats are in a position where they can’t do anything about Trump. Would shouting help? With the election done and over with, most have turned away from politics onto other things and won’t be paying much attention to politics, Trump in particular until the next election nears. This is just the way it is and has been. You have your 10-15% of political junkies who constantly pay attention and then the rest who pay little to no attention unless something happens that affects them that they don’t like.

Americans, most Americans are notorious to how little they pay attention to politics, the workings of their government. You’d be surprised at how many Americans don’t know who their governor is, who their representative is or who their senators are. Even less know which party controls congress. Four times as many people knew who won last years super bowl than knew who their governor was.

Good doesn't always win!