If they they conduct themselves as constitutional traitors they open themselves up to some pretty severe consequences in the aftermath which I guarantee you will NOT be in their favor.
Think about it....if they engage in hostilities against American citizens, do you think that they will be eligible for any kind of healthcare, any kind of benefits, any kind of pension, any kind of status that is universally defined as "honorable"?
I don't think you git it. We live in Trump's world where everything you thought you knew about our Democracy has been thrown out. Everything Trump does is a presidential order and therefore Constitutional according to the SC. And should anyone actually be charged .... well they were acting under the orders of Trump and would receive a pardon. So why would any of these folks care about your threats?

It's highly unlikely that the vast majority of the ones who violate the Constitution will be looked upon kindly by history and it is doubtful any of them will escape punishment for their mass actions.
They don't care about history or their legacy. They have power and they will use it. ahhhh .... pardon. solved.

The only environment under which any kind of honorable status for traitorous soldiers ... Does anyone think they came home to ticker tape parades and adequate veterans benefits?
Didn't you see what Trump did for insurrectionists? We do not live in the world you think we do. This is Trump's world. It is an authoritarian regime purging the last visages of anyone in government who would have the temerity to following the rule of law and not Trump. In Trump world insurrectionists i.e. traitors for Trump, are considered heroes, receiving accolades from Trump himself. Better open your eyes to the reality Democracy is dead in America.

And now, take into consideration that out of 420 million guns in private hands, at least two hundred fifty million belong to people who value The Constitution and the Rule of Law.
You have grossly overestimated the number of people who actually believe in the rule of law or would have the fortitude to do anything about their loss. You must have been absent the day they put out the memo .... Democracy is Dead!!!!! Very few people give a flying frak about the Constitution as can be seen from the results from the last, and maybe the actual last, election.

The world is no longer what you once believed it to be.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!