So close to a million dead Ukranians. European deindustrialization accelerating. Elections showing growing popularity of rightwing anti war parties with little more than pro war PMC liberal, green and an ersatz left as alternatives.
The Russian economy outpacing, in growth and size, the German economy. A reorienting of the Russian economy and diplomacy towards the east…
Once again, American policy, putting the boot on the neck of resource rich nations, by propping up neo fascists, autocrats, and theocratic dictators has backfired. All the overeducated idiots squealing for a proxy war on Russia’s border (and are still at it in other regions!) apparently never read a history book or have any understanding of classical economics.
Aside from the usual skim off the ‘financial aid’ by our politicians (Piles of monies with no oversight FFS. Even the treasury secretary went to Kiev to get her palm greased..) and the Wall Street profits, how exactly was this proxy war in the average Americans interest?
Obviously it lead to the beat down Demcorp recieved in the election. Nor did their feigned reluctance in committing genocide play well in Michigan either. Except for the usual political and Wall Street swindles, explain how a forty five year old father and husband, bleeding out in the muck at the bottom of a trench in the Donbass is in the average Americans interest. Giving millions to neonazis to bring about such a state of violence?
Explain it like I’m a five year old and refrain from the laughable ‘Mockracy’ or ‘freedum’ speeches that have no reality in our own domestic political economy. As witnessed recently in Demcorp cancelling the primaries in the last two presidential elections.
Go on. Let’s hear from the credentialed among you. You know. The degrees and training that gives them such insights. Leading to convictions for supporting industrial scaled slaughter.
I get the ruling classes trying to hang on to their messianic visions of world hedgemony. I’m always curious what the motivations are for lesser people on the totem pole to form up a parade and cheerlead for it

Last edited by chunkstyle; 02/09/25 03:18 PM.