Let me edit that for you .... he hates it when MAGA yells at him .... he doesn't care what anyone else says .... after all they are evil corrupt radical left wing extremist communists etc etc. For the most part MAGA does not care what he does because Trump is savior of America ... sent by God ... etc etc.

Trump is probably the most idiosyncratic dumb person ever seen. Here is a guy who has some media savvy. He right out of the box proclaimed he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and never lose a supporter and yet at the same time he didn't want MAGA to know about Stormy Daniels ... he doesn't want MAGA to know the truth about stolen top secret files ... he doesn't want MAGA to know about his conspiracy to overthrow the government .... he doesn't want etc etc. So if he says he wouldn't lose a supporter - and he is absolutely correct - then why not tell them the truth?

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!