Every day it's something with the orange idiot and his not-elected sidekick Elmo.
In thinking about Trump and fighting back, my personal opinion is to do deal with Trump EXACTLY how he deals with others: Sue Trump for anything and everything and to tie everything up in court, just as he does. #WinningStrategy
It’s completely laughable that JD Vance and Elmo are questioning the judiciary’s authority to serve as a check on Trump’s executive power.
As anyone who has had ever had an introductory civics class knows, if a president disagrees with a court order, the remedy is to appeal. There’s a reason Trump and fiends don’t like that option: they know their actions are illegal and many will be rejected even by Trump’s own SCOTUS justices.
As stated above: Deal with Trump EXACTLY how he deals with others – sue Trump for anything and everything and tie every Trump Admin decision up in court, just as he does.
(Take a play out of THAT narcissist’s own play book – narcissists hate being treated how they treat others.)