What I don’t understand is the total lack of attention by the public as a whole to what Trump is doing and has done since he began his second term. It’s like most Americans don’t care.
I have to wonder how much the dumbing down of our society has to do with it. I know my local schools do not teach civics and haven't for years.

I have been posting on Facebook with some civic information thinking maybe many people think the President does have power over all. I've been posting topics like "Some signs that you might be in a cult", "What are the Top 10 Elements of the Authoritarian Playbook", "6 RULES for Survival under an Authoritarian Regime", "What is a constitutional crisis" just to name a few.

I don't have a ton of friends, about 150 +/-. Only one or two of these postings brought one or two likes. Some have brought many arguments from my MAGA friends. I have gotten zero comments supporting my posts and all comments were supporting the MAGA agenda.

Maybe people don't want to get involved in the MAGA bashing that occurs any time someone speaks against their beliefs! I doubt that anything that Trump has done is being felt by my friends yet. I hope once they start to feel what is happening they will have a reaction, but hope it isn't too late by then. But, maybe the pain won't bring them to reacting anyways. Who knows.

Good doesn't always win!