These days all the tv outputs show piles of folks a little upset with Trump. By this is assume that he is loosing support. They are doing dangerous things, such as firing the folks that take care of our stuff nuclear and then being unable to get them back because they lost names, etc. Then I think they did find them. There are also piles of people getting reported every day. Then on top of all of that all the red states are getting worked over rather well and they are REALLY getting a bit upset as well.

All that being said, if I am even half right in my thoughts it still seems that the man should be losing support.

Oh, I just remembered, Trump is a man who has a long history of failures when it comes to business. So far he seems to have done well with politics but it dawns on me that politics just may be another business to fail and, if he keeps it up I suspect he will do a really impressive failure yet again and we all get to experience the results.

Trump is difficult. He lies, he fails, he may have money or may not, he runs his mouth and just keeps on going. Gotta give him credit - he is not a quitter...........