That's not how it works.

As a Democrat most of his life, he knew he would never win a primary as a Democrat, so what should he do? He is also somewhat media savvy. So if he were to run it would have to be as a Republican, but what issue/s would he run on? If there is one thing which animates the Republican base more than anything, it is bigotry. Trump is a bigot, so it is a match made in hell. The Republican Base is a very high percent bigoted. They hate everyone and everything, all the while shrouding themselves in the American flag, holding a Bible in one hand and gun in the other. These folks are 100% Trump supporters. They are the victims of political paranoia, which leads to politically delusional thinking. With the right message they would have followed anyone. Trump recognized their need and became their voice. He would never give them up nor would they give him up (a la cult behavior).

For total control, think back to Nazi Germany. Hitler did not have to convince ALL of the people, just enough to gain and maintain power, especially through some very effective tools. To keep his coterie of elected officials in line, he uses the Base. To exert pressure on the rest, Trump extorts people, organizations, and governmental entities to kiss the ring or suffer the consequences. How can he make his threats real? He has replaced everyone who could possibly raise a voice in opposition in government, and replaced with loyalists who would lie, cheat, and steal for him. AG Bondi has already filed suits against people IN NY she deems anti-Trump. The Gov of Maine will be next. I see this as just the start of the complete weaponization of government aimed at everyone not loyal or or at least willing to take orders from Trump.

In normal times the SC would have the integrity to stand up to Trump wanton debasement of the Constitution, however in this SC there are between 4 and 6 justices willing to side with the Unitary executive theory and allow Trump to continue to be King.

And that is how it's done.

Trump ticks off every trait used to identify a person suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which is so unusual Trump would be THE textbook example to study. He is the extreme.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!