Hmm, jgw, the truth is Trump hasn’t gained any new support nor has he lost any support after one month in office. You can see the numbers in my post in the election thread which breaks it down. Support for Trump, opposition to Trump is basically the same as it was on election day last November.

I haven’t seen the democrats come up with any coherent plan to oppose Trump. I think they’re still in denial over losing the presidency to Trump. They need to come up with a leader, a fresh, younger face to coalesce around. Someone with new and fresh ideas. Someone who can gain the working class back, someone who new or first-time voters can identify with. Harris lost both the working class and new, first time voters last year. Heck, Trump came within 5 points of winning the union household vote. I think Harris relied too much on the fact she wasn’t Trump to carry her to victory instead of addressing the most important issues of inflation, rising prices, illegal immigration which topped the list of issues in last years election. The Biden/Harris administration was rated as failures when it came to those issues by most Americans.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.