Wow! I would have thought, given all the TV stuff pointing out this and that, that there might be a change. You are, unfortunately, probably right about the Democrats. I think they are trying but failing and have to actually sit down and decide who and what they are and what they are going to do. This has been going waaay too much. I must get at least 5 requests for money every freaking day! (I am giving them nothing until they can prove that they have something going that makes sense and works). Seems to me not to be a difficult thing yet they just seem stuck. On the other side, they just keep on doing the same thing and it seems to be working.
I wonder if I am wrong about my thought that the Dems really didn't lose by that much and the end results were pretty close. This, in spite of the fact that I think 30% of the Dems didn't vote and Trump cleverly grabbed most of the teen agers. Am I even close on that one?
Thanks again!!