I would say jgw, you hit the nail on the head. Very close election, Harris lost by 1.5 points which makes last years election the third closest election since 1888. Only 1960 and 2000 were closer. The democrats gained two house seats while losing four senate seats. But three of those loses were in deep red states of West Virginia, Montana, Ohio which shouldn’t have had a democratic senator to begin with. Only Pennsylvania which is a swing state was a state that made a difference. Given Biden and company numbers, 41% job approval, between 55-65% disapproval of his handling of most issues, one should have expected a GOP landslide of Reagan proportions back in 1980. The fact that didn’t happen says much more about Trump than Harris or even the democrats.

There also is no denying in my opinion that the democrat has no leader, visible or otherwise to lead their rebound. That they don’t know where to begin to counter Trump and all his EO’s. The democrats don’t have a message stating they stand for this or that or aren’t getting it out. The only message one can deduce from the democrats is they’re anti-Trump. Not for anything, just against Trump. There are times when a party, candidate must give the voters something to vote for, not just against. I’ll repeat myself; the democrats need a fresh young leader with new fresh ideas. Someone with ideas that can win back the working class and attract new voters. The democrats lost both groups to Trump last year. You need to give those folks a reason to vote democratic, just being against Trump won’t cut it. Win back the working class along with new, first time voters you have a winning coalition. My two cents.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.