... says much more about Trump than Harris or even the democrats
I'm not much into after action reports, so have ignored most of what pundits have said, however, I think you have made a reasonable analysis. I still believe THE main issue was and still remains Democracy. All the rest of it doesn't matter if there is no Democracy.

The only message one can deduce from the democrats is they’re anti-Trump. Not for anything, just against Trump.
In the marketplace of ideas, apparently the only one which has any inertia is hatred. Trump is the leading salesman. Hatred is so visceral and inclusive. MAGA hates everyone and everything, so it's an easy sell. Everything else one hears from MAGA as reasons why they support Trump are rationalizations to obfuscate their hatred. Once one peels away the layers of this fraud, the only thing left is hatred. So that takes care of MAGA, but you say what about the rest? Well I suspect they, being as ignorant as they are, went for the rationalizations as if they were valid. How can anyone say they are for law and order if they voted for a convicted felon, who is also a sexual predator? Why would anyone vote for a person who made America into a laughingstock on the world stage? Why would anyone vote for someone who is compelled to lie about everything? Why would anyone vote for a businessman who continued to bankrupt companies while cheating banks and contractors? Why would anyone vote for someone who openly flirts with dictators? Independents went for the lies while MAGA went for immigration ... that's the issue predicated on bigotry (hatred).

What message could the Democrats or anyone have to counter an alternate reality? The Fox propaganda machine is going full blast, drowning out good sense. What Democrat stands out? Based on current trends, it would seem one needs to find a leader first then mold the issues to that presence. Democracy ... well there is no Washington or Jefferson around.

Spitballing and have no sense of what can be done. I am still convinced we are in the middle of a coup.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!