I’m all into numbers rporter, exit polls to be precise along with all that is happening today when it comes to numbers. Saving democracy, I posted her prior to the election on how Americans viewed that issue. They were split as to whether it was the democrats or Trump that would save democracy. That all the talk about saving democracy wasn’t working. The exit polls showed that to be exactly the case, those who thought our democracy was threated went to Trump 50-48 and those who thought our democracy was secure also went to Trump 49-48. Bottomline is the voters saw the democrats, Harris as much a threat to democracy as they saw Trump being the threat.


I’d say last years election boiled down to job performance of Biden and his administration, 40% of all voters approved, they went to Harris 96-3 over Trump, 59% disapproved, they went to Trump 82-16 over Harris. Past presidential elections have always been about the sitting presidents job performance which gets totally lost when folks try to figure out why Trump, the challenger won. They tell you it was the economy, inflation, rising prices, immigration, crime, a thousand other issues, but all those issues will eventually fall into job performance category. 59% of all Americans thought Biden did a lousy job as president. No sitting president has won reelection nor has that sitting president’s replacement won the election when a sitting president overall job approval was below 50% going back to FDR. The results of 2024 continued that streak. The list:

1952 Truman 33%, his replacement Stevenson lost to Eisenhower
1968 LBJ 43%, his replacement Humphrey lost to Nixon
1976 Ford 45%, Ford lost reelection to Carter
1980 Carter 37%, Carter lost reelection to Reagan
1992 G.H.W. Bush 34%, Bush lost reelection to Bill Clinton
2008 G.W. Bush 28%, his replacement McCain lost to Obama
2020 Trump 43%, Trump lost reelection to Biden
2024 Biden 40%, his replacement Harris lost to Trump.

You can see how polarized and divided we have become as a nation. 90% of democrats approved of the job Biden did, 8% disapproved. 5% of republicans approved, 92% disapproved. That’s partisanship, approval or disapproval carried to the extreme based only on party affiliation. From FDR through Bill Clinton it wasn’t unusual to have 30, 35% of the other party approving of the job the president was doing. 30% of republicans approved of the job Bill Clinton did during his presidency, 35% of democrats approved of the job Reagan did. Then beginning with G.W. Bush’s second term, through Obama, Trump, Biden you have 90% of the president’s party approving of the job the sitting president was doing, done. Disapproval in the single digits from the opposing party of the president. Approval, disapproval based only on party affiliation.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.