For a sitting president having but a 40% overall job approval, the democrats historically wise did a great job. They lost the popular vote by 1.5 points, gained 2 senate seats while losing 4 senate seats. The democrats came darn close to winning last year. But close doesn’t count except in horseshoes, hand grenades and nuclear warfare. I get it.

With Biden’s numbers, one should have expected a GOP landslide. Only their nominating Trump prevented that. I think this can be shown in two sets of numbers, 59% of all Americans didn’t want a continuation of Biden/Harris governing or running this nation. On the other hand, 52% didn’t want a return of Trump even if that return meant being rid of Biden/Harris. The result was neither Trump nor Harris received a majority of the vote. It boiled down to who was disliked or unwanted the least which turnout to be Trump. Since Obama, we’ve had a huge increase in the number of folks who vote against a candidate/party and not for any candidate or party. As long as the candidate/party they’re voting against loses, they don’t care who wins. Slightly more people voted against a continuation of Biden/Harris and the democrats than voted against Trump. But neither was wanted, just like 2016.

Perhaps more important is that the democrats figure out why their voters didn’t turnout in 2024. 37% of all who voted in 2020 were democrats, only 31% who voted in 2024 were democrats. The republicans maintained 35% of those who voted both elections. The democrats need to look within their party, not without.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.