I often wonder if the masses actually give a damned about their government, democracy, whatever. Perhaps is, basically, a home for people who just don't give a damn and have given up even trying. That being said, we have a show that defines the doings of Mr Trump every day, without fail. She set it up for 100 days. The man who either owns or runs her network (msnbc I think) has apparently gone to Trump which, I suspect, means that the show referred will be gone. Its interesting in that she has a really large group that is watching the show and the Democrats are actually trying to tell her she is wonderful with a letter with 1 million watchers signing in. That being the case, I am obviously wrong about people not caring. All that being said I wonder if there is actually a wakening when it comes to Americans in general. I do know that Trump is working, hard, to find any possible money he can grind out of our government to give to his friends the millionaire class.

Even that is really strange. Trump and the richest man in the world tell us of their doings. They make billion dollar successes on a number of things that, later, turn out to be lies. This is ongoing, it doesn't happen occasionally, it happens almost every day! It also seems that to get the money they are now deciding to lower what citizens are getting from their government. This includes little things, like health and welfare as well as education, etc. You know, things that we all like and expect. This, in turn, seems to be getting the citizens a bit worked up. All that being said, when we are told results of all of this, however, it seems that is not the case and most remain set in their ways. Perotista, for instance, studies the math on all of this and the results don't seem to be changing much.

Our nation is supposed to be run by two Political parties, the Democrats and Republicans. The Democrats are liberals in favor of, in theory, helping all citizens as much as they can. The Republicans, on the other hand, tend to have more strict thoughts about who gets what. I know, my definitions are a bit quick and not really defined but I suspect a reader will understand. Then its what each side does. The Democrats try to be everybody's friend and help. The Republicans, currently, own both houses of congress, fear their leader, Mr Trump, to the extent of actaully doing what every Mr. Trump tells them to do whether they like it or not and to keep their damned mouths shut (the Democrats, on the other hand are constantly running their mouths and doing little else. They are not a bonded group with a message, a plan, and a goal - they just hate the other side (well, actually, each side hates the other - its part of the current deal).

If the above is even close to the truth I am interested if anybody has an idea of how to bail out the entire situation. Its like belonging to a religion where all those belonging to the religion disagree on everything in the religion but haven't the common sense to try something else. I suspect that its time for the Democrats to, at least, try to do something else. Right now what they do is run their mouths and beg for more money. They just do not shut up and its not only boring but a pain in the butt. What we seem to have is a government which is a pain in the butt and I have no idea what can be done to fix it. NOBODY is happy! NOBODY is satisfied! NOBODY, as far as I can tell gives a damn! This is a problem! With all that going on what its all about is, basically, EVERYBODY's well being. What I do know if this keep going our pain in the butt government is going to be gone and there is nothing to replace it but I betcha the greedy will win it all. American is famous for greed. Hell, there are even shows on TV about our greed and greedy.

Right now we have given the greedy all the power - I wish us all good luck..........

Last edited by jgw; 02/26/25 08:33 PM.