Fact, rporter, what people think or believe is what wins or loses election. That is reality in their minds. The problem all along with this is the democrats have spent 8 years going after Trump that when they, the democrats said that Trump was a threat to democracy, it came across as nothing more than another negative attack ad, another vote for my guy rhetoric. Few took it seriously.

Yes, I study the math jgw. What the math shows me is few Americans pay attention to the workings of government until an election nears. To the question, How much attention have you been paying to the 2024 election campaign for president? On 29 Oct 2024, just days prior to the election 51% answered a lot, 28% some, 15% only a little, 6% none at all. On 18 Feb 2025, that question was asked differently, how much attention do you pay to local, national or world news. 32% answered a lot, 25% some 32% a little, 10% none. The difference in the question is because there aren’t any elections scheduled until next year. The percentages that answered a lot are probably over inflated because few want to admit they don’t pay any attention to what the news or what is happening around them be it political or other news.

To back that up, you have this: After a year dominated by a relentless and intense United States presidential election campaign, Americans are looking for a break from political news, a new poll suggests.

The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll released on Thursday found that 65 percent of US adults said they felt the need to limit media consumption about politics and government “due to information overload [and] fatigue”.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.