That’s where we differ rporter. I think it is important what the people believe or think as it’s their vote that decides who our elected officials/leaders will be. I would say most Americans view democracy as threaten. It’s by who or what is threatening democracy where they differ. Back when the election last year was between Biden and Trump, March of last year which I posted on this site. 34% of all Americans viewed Trump as the threat, 33% viewed Biden as the threat, 20% said both were a threat to democracy with only 13% stating neither was a threat. That’s a very high 87% of all Americans viewing our democracy is threaten, but by who is where they differ.

This is more recent, 28 October, just prior to the election which deals with both Harris and Trump, not Biden.

Majority of US voters say democracy is under threat but are split on who to blame, poll shows

Personally, I view Trump as the threat, his MAGA faction in particularly. But being a political realist, I realize it how all Americans view the threat, who is the threat as it is all Americans who decide who are leaders will be and how our government is run. Knowing and realizing what all Americans are thinking, feeling, believing, if one knows that one can come up with a strategy to either counter act their thoughts and believes or reinforce their thoughts and believes depending on what their thoughts and believes are, their perception of what is going on. Locking oneself in a closest ignoring their believes and perceptions will do nothing to change their believes and perceptions.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.