Who are the non-delusional folks? Are they only the ones that hold the same views you do? MAGA only makes up approximately a quarter of the electorate. Yet Trump came within two-tenths of a point of garnering 50% of the vote. Which means half of the votes Trump received were from non-MAGA voters.

Now why would non-MAGA voters vote for Trump? Perhaps they were part of the 57% who thought Biden and company had done a lousy job of governing and wanted someone else in charge. Of course, you probably classify 57% of all Americans who thought Biden and company did a bad job of governing delusional. Back on election day only 27% of all Americans thought Biden had this country headed in the right direction, 63% in the wrong direction. I suppose those 63% are also delusional.

Harris would have won if more people thought Biden and company had done a good job. The reason presidents like Reagan, Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush, Obama was at the time for their reelection, more Americans thought they had done a good job at governing than thought they hadn’t. In a democracy, it what all people think, believe, feel, not just a certain segment or political party. Isn’t protecting democracy giving everyone a voice, a say whether or not we agree with the results they give us. Which includes in our society, republicans, independents, democrats, MAGA, Trumpers, anti-Trumpers, the delusional and non-delusional.

I don’t blame the voters for Trump. If anything it was the failure of the Biden administration to address, bring under control, to solve the hot issues, the two most important issues of rising prices, inflation, illegal immigration to most Americans or a majority of Americans satisfaction.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.