I think I have mentioned this before but I am going to do it again. Mr. Trump has been a failure throughout his life. Before he ever messed with politics he had a number of different businesses. I could list them bit they are not a secret if you simply send "trump failures" you will get several lists with no problem. My point is pretty simple. The mail fails, everything he touches turns to mud for him and now he is doing, exactly, what he has done before but this time the failure is going to be the United States of America. In this effort he has a great number of people helping, there are the White Christians, Idiots in love, pissed off experts in things national, etc, etc. etc. Then there is his very best friend, Elong Musk, the richest man in the world, a Canadian and guy who seems to kinda being running things. The people who have been put in charge of the United States of American are, for the most part, people who want to tear it all down.
What I am pointing out is that Mr. Trump is doing what he has always done. He has failed and his claims to be fixing the nation is just plain baloney. He is trying, hard, to destroy our nation.
Now this gets better. He runs the Republican political party. Apparently everybody there do what they are told by Mr Trump or he gets angry with them and they go down. In other words, any politicians, who claim to be helping and running the United States are actually working to take it all down as well. Another little problem is the Democratic party. There are a lot of people who are Democrats and there are many serving the nation. The problem is that, unlike the Republicans, they have no plan, no message, etc. They all have, I think good thoughts and good intentions but they are simply not together to save the nation. When Trump was president the first time and left 150 university historists said that he was the worst president in the entire life of the United States of America. It would appear that was easily ignored by the American Voting Public.
So, we currently have two basic organizations. One determined to destroy the United States of America, led by a professional loser, and one that has all sorts of good intentions but no real direction or apparent leadership. I would prefer that the United States remains. I have no idea what I can do to help the Democrats. I even think that lots of them know what their problem is it just seems that they can't get together.
Anyway, this is my really miserable thoughts on what is going on. My hope is that the Dems can get together, stop screwing around and start doing their jobs. Hopefully, someplace in the nation there is somebody, or a group, that understand the problem and will fix it.
I sincerely, hope I am flat out wrong and wish everybody luck..............
Should also mention that I am 90 years old and not even a millionaire and live on my social security which Mr. Trump wants to give to billionaires. (thought I would explain why I am so damned whiny)
Last edited by jgw; 03/02/25 12:41 AM.