I'm taking that with a heavy dose of salt. I am still convinced Trump can not be thought of in the old ways. This is new landscape, and so requires a different lens. Trump has a huge advantage getting out whatever message he wants. Fox propaganda (and of course the rest of the right wing Trump echo chambers), and now in addition to Truth Social, he has effective control of X, and that does not include the WH bully pulpit. MAGA of course would have voted for Trump, but in addition, whatever the difference is to 50% of current election, voted for a sexual predator, and convicted felon. They know he is corrupt and yet voted for him. Now if you think you can put that in the old style analysis and come up with 49% approval, I think you should check your algorithm. In times BT (before Trump) no candidate with his baggage would have been nominated much less elected. Now AT (after Trump), it's clear any fool with the right message can be elected by an equally foolish electorate. My point being 49% AT may be equivalent to 75% BT.

New lens

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!